Green Life Volunteer’s Dog Rescue project has been in full swing since the beginning of 2014. We’ve already rescued and successfully adopted out several adult dogs and many litters of puppies and kittens. We are also helping to organize spaying and neutering clinics, and  on our last clinic on May 11th we spayed and neutered more than 35 animals (dogs and cats).



bottlefeedingA few days ago we rescued a litter of 8 puppies from secure death. They were dropped off in a box in front of someone’s house. They are way too young to be separated from mum, but since we don’t know where mum is, we have to bottle feed them. They are around 3-4 weeks old and slowly starting to eat meat too. We’re trying to get them off bottle feeding, since puppy milk is very expensive here in Costa Rica.

Luckily due to our amazing volunteers, we collected 80 USD yesterday through fundraising in a local restaurant. We’re happy to now be able to raise the pups and find new homes for all 8 of them. They’re a lot of work but they can also be quite fun ;).

dogvetWe also rescued a female in heat a few days ago. She’s been chased by various dogs day and night, and finally now can rest and recover from her spaying-surgery.

We always need volunteers for this project, so please consider helping out. There is lots of work to do everyday, from bathing, feeding, and walking dogs, to fundraising, field-work rescuing dogs, working at spaying and neutering clinics, helping out at the local vet clinic and more. For more info click here.

washingdogs dogsbeach nikita&janina bathing-time puupies2 assistingvet

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